Interview Questions & Tips to Help You Out in Your Next Interview
Do you feel like you have no control over the interview process? Do you find yourself getting nervous before each and every interview, even the ones you know are just going to be routine ? Or maybe you’re feeling lucky, and got the job already? Well, good news! You’re in a better position than most. The majority of people are fortunate enough to get their dream job out of an interview, but as much as we would like to think that we control our own destinies, it actually isn’t always that simple. There are elements out of our control such as location, venue type (e.g., office or factory), company culture and even the interviewer. But what can you do about the other factors? Here are some tips that might help:
Know the questions before the interview.
This one’s a no-brainer. The first thing you have to do is prepare your questions ahead of time. You can’t just wing it during an interview, and you don’t want to look like an amateur. There are a few questions that you want to get across to the hiring manager what type of candidate you are, and these are the perfect topics to start with. You can either think about these questions on the way to the interview or sit down with the candidate and brainstorm them together. Discuss the questions and the answers, and try to incorporate some of the issues that you’re seeing in the field today. These will all help you get a sense of the kind of person you want to work with.
Don’t overthink it.
It’s easy to play with your emotions during an interview, but you don’t want to let your guard down in the moment. If you start to babble about how hard this job is and how you hate it, it’s probably a red flag. It also means that you don’t really know the position and may not be up to speed on the company culture. A good way to avoid sounding like an idiot is to keep your questions simple and relaxed. Avoid getting too hung up on the fact that you’re not the perfect candidate. You’re going to be spending the next few hours interacting with someone, so keep it casual.
Practice makes perfect.
You’ve spent months researching the company and the industry, so it makes sense that you’re ready to rock when you step into the interview room. Whether you’re going to an office or a factory, it’s important to practice your interview style during your free time. You don’t need to be a pro, but you do need to be able to address the basics of how the company functions and what the company’s main focus is. This will help you show up in the interview room as prepared as possible. If you’re not comfortable with speaking in front of a crowd, you can always practice your interview style one-on-one with the hiring manager. This is a good way to familiarize yourself with the company culture, and also give yourself a chance to get comfortable speaking with others.
Stay flexible.
You might have saved the best for last, but this one’s pretty important.3 Stay flexible. There’s no sense in being in a reserved room when you could be out on the streets, talking to customers or interacting with other employees. Try to fit in as much as possible during your day, even if it’s just taking a quick walk around the neighborhood or going to a movie. Do something that gets you out of the office and gives you some time to yourself. You don’t have to work every minute of the day, and you don’t have to do anything that’s tremendously difficult. Just be mindful of your time and stay flexible with your schedule.
Dress to impress.
This is another no-brainer. You don’t want to show up in dirty clothes or a ratty pair of jeans. You also don’t want to wear the same suit twice. If you want to stand out, you need to dress to impress. If you’re going for a casual interview, you don’t have to go overboard. A simple pair of jeans and a T-shirt will do the trick. For more formal interviews, you want to put yourself in a dressier position. You can either wear a suit when you’re first meeting with the hiring manager or bring a nice suit to the next one.
Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback on your interview.
If you get the job, it’s going to be because someone invested a lot of time and effort in finding you perfect match, and they may have even considered your suitability for the position on those grounds alone. You don’t have to be a legal eagle to know that if one company is hiring in the same industry as you, they may want to check you out as a potential fit. You can also ask your interviewers for feedback on how they would improve their own interviews. They may be able to give you insight into the hiring process that you didn’t know existed. Feedback is invaluable, and you should always take it upon yourself to improve your interview technique. There’s no sense waiting for the perfect moment to ask for feedback, so take a deep breath, look yourself in the mirror and make this a priority for the next couple of interviews.
The interview process is hard. It’s stressful. It can be nerve-wracking. And the more senior you are, the more scrutiny you’ll face. But don’t stress about it. Just be yourself and know the questions that will be thrown at you.
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