How to Fix a Broken Mobile Phone with These Easy Tips

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How to Fix a Broken Mobile Phone with These Easy Tips

How to Fix a Broken Mobile Phone with These Easy Tips

Are you a broke college student without a job, money, or access to an iphone? Do not worry! These difficult times call for strategic thinking. You will be able to have your life back soon with these simple tips. Your broken mobile phone can be fixed with these easy tips. What could be more frustrating than dropping your phone and losing your calls all because you didn’t have the patience to wait for it to charge. Or maybe you dropped it in the toilet and ruined countless texts and calls that were already missed? It’s happened to all of us, the hard way! But this doesn’t have to be a reality any longer! Here are some helpful ways on how to fix a broken mobile phone with ease:

Don’t use your phone if it’s not working

This one is pretty obvious, but you would do well to heed this simple rule. The very first thing to do when your phone stops working is to check the phone. If it’s not doing what it’s supposed to do, don’t use it. If your phone is broken and you are using it anyway, then you are actually very likely damaging it in the process. If you must use it, try to use a different phone. won’t be able to reach you if your phone is broken. If this is the case, then you need to call a repair shop. If your phone is working fine, then there’s nothing wrong with checking the battery. If your phone is not working and the battery is good, it’s likely that you have a jammed screen. If your phone is not working and the screen is intact, it’s likely that it’s a damaged phone. If you are unsure, then take it to a repair shop.

Turn off location services

You will be amazed how much faster your phone will respond when you turn off location services. If you are not using your phone when it is working, then it is very likely that the location service is off. Turn it on when you need it and off when you don’t. This one is really easy and will help your phone to last longer.

Replace the battery

If your phone has been broken for a while, the battery may be faulty. The battery in a mobile phone has a very low capacity and must be replaced every few months. This can be done yourself but is easier done by a mobile phone repair shop.

Don’t use your phone for an hour before charging

If you are not using your phone and it is not charging, then it is likely that the battery is too low. This causes your phone to heat up, which damages the battery. A low battery will prevent your phone from functioning properly. If your phone isn’t charging and the battery is low, then it’s likely that there is a blockage in the battery line. If this is the case, then your phone won’t charge and will remain broken. If you are unsure, then take it to a repair shop.

Don’t make new calls until your old ones are back online

If you have been using your phone a lot and have been losing calls recently, it is likely that your old phone is getting a hard time keeping up with the demand. It is better to be safe than sorry. If your old phone is still working, then it is better to be connected to your friends and family than to lose calls because of a broken phone. This one is a no-brainer, right?

Set a time limit for everything

Sometimes a phone call just isn’t enough. You might want to make a few calls after work, or want to make a quick call to let someone know where you are before you head home. These are great but make sure you set a limit on how often you want to do this. If you are constantly making calls, your phone will start to lag. This will make using your phone very uncomfortable and will ultimately cause your phone to break. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Make sure you have a charger on-hand!

As mentioned before, your phone will not charge if the battery is low. Make sure you have a charger on-hand so that you don’t end up stranded without a phone. If you are stranded somewhere and have no charger, then you will be stuck. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Take photos before you try to dial home

As mentioned before, your phone will not work properly if you don’t take care of the battery. When you are done using your phone, remove the battery and store it in a safe place. Make sure to keep in mind that your phone will be much less efficient when you don’t have an active battery. Take photos of your phone before you try to dial home so that you will be able to see how your phone looks. This one might seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how many people don’t take this simple step.

Don’t Overcharge Your Phone

If you are constantly charging your phone when it is not required, then you are probably doing damage to the phone. If your phone is constantly charging when it is not needed, then it will consume more power and heat, which will shorten the life of the phone. If your phone is constantly charging when it is not needed, then it will be more likely to short out, causing your phone to overheat and possibly break. This one is pretty self-explanatory, right?

Don’t Leave Your Phone On All Day

You don’t have to be a professional to realize that leaving your phone on all day will cause damage to your phone. It will get hot, and the radio waves will travel through your phone, causing it to short out. If your phone is constantly on, then it will be harder for the radio waves to travel the distance they need to get to your phone. This one is pretty simple, right?

Don’t Use Hard Tempers

If you are always fighting with your loved ones or friends, you are probably dealing with a degree of anger that you are unable to control. This will eventually cause you to losing control of your phone. This one is pretty self-explanatory, right?

Don’t Take Selfies in Public

selfie Selfies taken in public are really bad for your image. Not only does it show that you are not equipped to handle company, but it can also cause your phone to shorts out and make your photos blurry. If you are taking selfies in public, then your phone will actually heat up, which can damage it. This one is pretty self-explanatory, right?

Don’t Forget to Turn Off Your Phone

It is easy to leave your phone on while you are doing other things, like watching TV, eating, working out, etc. You never know when you are going to forget to turn off your phone. If you leave it on, then you are increasing the risk of doing damage to your phone. This one is pretty self-explanatory, right?

Don’t Take a Nap

It is easy to fall into the trap of taking a long nap, even when you know you shouldn’t. Doing so not only puts your phone at risk of damage, but also interferes with your sleep schedule and health. Consuming too much caffeine when you don’t need it can also cause your phone to overheat, which can shorten its life. This one is pretty self-explanatory, right?

Don’t Put Your Phone in Your Pocket

When you put your phone in your pocket, it is much easier for the phone to get caught in the jeans or other clothing that is next to your skin. This can cause burns if the phone is hot. It is best to leave your phone in a cup or other container when you are not actively using it. This one is pretty self-explanatory, right?

Don’t Put Polishes on Your Phone

This one is pretty obvious, but you would be surprised how many people don’t do this simple step. If you are putting your phone in your hand



Author Since: September 15, 2021

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