Community Services In Chakwal

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Community Services In Chakwal

Community Services In Chakwal

Community Services In Chakwal

There are many community organizations in District Chakwal, including the following: The National Rural Support Programme (NRSP), which has been working in various sectors in District Chakwal since 1996. 53 National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) is a semi Government organization working in District Chakwal in sectors of education and volunteerism. Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy provides access to rights-based education for rural communities/farmers, facilitates links with government, and offers training in sustainable agriculture and livelihoods as well as advocacy skills. Chakwal also owns the PLAN International Almadina welfare trust (a well-known NGO in Pakistan). IRADAH – Mr. Izhar Hassian, who is the founder of IRADAH, is a well-known NGO in Pakistan. He convinced and enlisted the help of a number of committed people to create a voluntary organization for the rehabilitation of the handicapped. It was called the ‘Initiative for Raising Awareness Development’ or ‘Assimilation of the Handicapped’, and it is now known as IRADAH. He was elected the founding president of IRADAH. Environment Although Chakwal is a relatively clean area because there is not much industry, it is still one of the most polluted cities of Pakistan. The government does not provide a garbage disposal system. Residents in both urban and rural areas lack the proper tools to dispose of garbage, especially plastic bags. Infectious diseases can be spread from trash to the streets, especially in cities and small towns. Agriculture Chakwal is semi-arid and has a severe shortage of water. Over 70 per cent of the population engages in agriculture, mostly subsistence agriculture that is dependent on rain. Many villages do not have an irrigation system.

Community Services In Chakwal

There are many community groups that work in District Chakwal. The National Rural Support Programme is a program that works in different areas since 1996 in District Chakwal. The 53 National Commission for Human Development is a semi-Government organization that works in District Chakwal in the areas of education and volunteering. Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy, (PODA), provides rural communities/farmers with rights-based education. It facilitates linkages to government and offers training and advocacy skills in sustainable agriculture, livelihoods, and advocacy. Chakwal is also the founder of IRADAH (a well-known welfare organization) PLAN International Almadina Welfare trust (a well known welfare organization). IRADAH: Mr. Izharhussian is a well known NGO in Pakistan. He convinced and enlisted the support of a group of committed individuals to set up a voluntary organization for the rehabilitation of the blind and called it the ‘Initiative for Raising Awareness Development’ and ‘Assimilation of the Handicapped’. He was elected as the founder president of IRADAH. Environment The areas surrounding Chakwal are usually clean as there’s not much industry. However, Chakwal is one of Pakistan’s most polluted urban centers. It is not possible to dispose of trash properly, particularly plastic bags, in rural and urban areas. Many streets and small towns in the city are littered with garbage that can lead to infectious diseases during the rainy season and summer. Agriculture Chakwal, a semi-arid region with severe water shortages, is home to agriculture. 54 Most villages don’t have any irrigation system support.

Community Services In Chakwal

There are many community organizations that operate in District Chakwal. Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy is a non-profit organization that provides education and training to rural communities and farmers. Chakwal also holds the PLAN International Almdina Welfare Trust (a recognized welfare organization) IRADAH. Mr. Izhar Hussian is the founder and leader of IRADAH. He convinced and enlisted the assistance of a group of dedicated people to start a voluntary organization for the rehabilitation of the disable. The name of the organization was “Initiative for Raising Awareness Development” and “Assimilation of the Handicapped”, abbreviated IRADAH. He was elected founder president of IRADAH. Environment Although Chakwal’s surroundings are relatively polluted because there isn’t much industry in the area they surround, Chakwal remains one of the most polluted areas in Pakistan. Urban and rural residents don’t have the ability to properly dispose of their garbage, including plastic bags. There is no garbage disposal system that is funded by the government. The streets of small towns and cities are often littered by trash, which can cause infectious diseases in the summer and during rainy seasons. Agriculture Chakwal can be described as semi-arid with limited water supply. More than 70% of the population is involved in agriculture. This includes subsistence agriculture which is dependent upon rain. Most villages lack an irrigation system.




Author Since: June 2, 2022

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